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Business Continuity | Fort Wayne, IN | Technology Specialists
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Redundant Data Backup | Business Continuity

data backup

It's important to implement a data recovery solution as part of a concise business continuity plan.

There once was a time where companies required steel filing cabinets to store information. That time is long gone. Today, most of the documents your employees rely on to make your business run properly are of the digital variety. Document duplication, fire proof vaults, and off-site filing systems once were more prominent because that was the best way for companies to endure events where their data might be lost. All this extra storage was part of their business continuity plan. They knew that if a disaster ever struck, losing all of their work could be a fatal blow to their business.

This is where Technology Specialists comes in.

Consider the files stored on your computer network. Everything is typically stored on a central hard drive or server to make the operation of the system simple and efficient for multiple users. The problem with this is that you face a higher-degree of risk by "putting all your eggs in one basket". Hard drives fail all the time, and tape backup is costly and inefficient, so having a dedicated backup system is a must for any size business that relies on data.

If your business were to ever lose its data from drive failure, natural disaster, or user error, you are staring tragedy in the face. Nearly 70% of businesses that lose their data quickly go out of business. Having a data recovery solution, like our BDR, is an essential component of a solid business continuity plan.

How Our Solution Works

Simple, yet effective and affordable.

Unlike tape backup, our Backup and Disaster Recovery system utilizes hard drives to redundantly backup your data. By storing the data away from your primary location, it helps ensure the redundancy that you are looking for in a comprehensive backup system. With Technology Specialists's BDR you'll know that your data is always safe. If ever anything were to happen to your original data, a simple re-route would be all it takes to get your business back up and running again. This allows you to minimize your downtime to minutes, as opposed to the hours it would take to restore that data by using a less efficient backup solution.

To ensure that your company is protected from disaster, we believe that it's best practice to find a solution that not only backs up your data redundantly in multiple locations, but has the ability to restore in minutes.

If you currently don't have a backup solution, then you need one. Based on an affordable, monthly flat-rate, Technology Specialists's Backup and Disaster Recovery solution is a smart way to protect your business.

Free IT Whitepaper

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This whitepaper will evaluate the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both in regards to small and medium-sized businesses.


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